Office cleaning and Janitorial services can include a monthly or as needed baseboard dust removal service.
The carpet gets a weekly or bi-monthly vacuuming to remove dust, desktops surface gets a dust removal as do many other surfaces in your office space such as:
- Filing cabinet tops
- Book shelves
- Side tables
- Window ledges
Just to name a few, yet the baseboards get neglected and the dust just builds up over time. You can see from this blog post title photo how dust accumulates on a baseboard over a month’s time frame. Baseboard dust may not be the entire source of producing dust particles that effect your office’s indoor air quality, but maybe a small contributor to the office indoor air quality.
A scheduled office cleaning including the baseboards using a Hepa or Micro particle trapping vacuuming system will remove that dust, trapping inside a bag which will later be disposed of.A microfiber wand duster can also be used to remove the dust that has accumulated on the baseboard. If the baseboards have not had the dust removed in a long time frame, then a combination of: 1st using a vacuum system to remove the loose dust and then follow up with a microfiber dusting wand to remove any remaining dust.

If your current office cleaning service provider is not cleaning your baseboards, then perhaps ask them for that service. If that office cleaning company does not have the tools or the skill to perform that service, then give BD Janitorial a call or text 503 537 8571. We would be glad to perform that service or offer you a quote to provide office cleaning services for your office.
Our service areas include Newberg,OR – Sherwood,OR – Tualatin, OR and Beaverton,OR.
We have been cleaning offices, dance studios,warehouse spaces and common areas of large commercial buildings.
With many employees and business owners and their customers being sensitive to cleaning product residules which include any scents or residues. Yes, there are baseboard cleaning products but do they require spraying a chemical onto a cloth? or Do they use a ‘treated sheet’ to attrack the base board dust and when the sheet is filled with the baseboard dust you throw away the sheet, seems wasteful to me and does the city dump need more of these dirty sheets?
By using a Microfiber cloth which is folded, then when 1 side is full of the baseboard dirt then a clean side can be used to remove the dust from the next section of the baseboard, so with a microfiber cloth there could be 8 sides to clean with. When all sides of the cloth are dirty, then it can be washed.
A Microfiber dusting wand ( SEE PHOTO BELOW) has 4 sides, turning the wand so that a clean side is ready to remove more dust from the baseboard, also with a wand you don’t have to “bend over” to do the dusting. The dusting wand can be bendable to get hard to reach floor level baseboards and floor lamp bases and chair bases as well. When the wand “microfiber sleeve” is dirty just toss it in the wash with the other microfiber products or replace the “sleeve” with a clean one.